Marius and Dawn Roos Trust  IT021153/2014

The Trust has a software developing division developing business and

utility software. Contact us with your specific software requirements.

Our latest release is the Church Management System for PC with Windows installed

This standalone system for Windows PC keeps track of a lot of activities in the typical life of the church. It will run on any version of Windows on a PC. Below are the menu items for this system. Below you may click on the button to view the functions of this system. There are many more other functions in the system not mentioned here! Down load a demo, valid for 30 days, and test it for yourself. After 30 days you can buy the system if you wish to. Price Once Off R2500 ($129)
© MDR Trust 2023
  Click to download a Pdf with all functions Click to download a Pdf with all functions  Click to download a free Demo of the system Click to download a free Demo of the system
Our files are virus free and you may ignore known virus messages during installation/download
PARISHIONERS Capture church members and sort them in various ways. Call up birthdays and anniversaries etc. Very powerful.
Income Expenses Bank Account transactions as well as salaries and wages. All in one! Generate General Ledger and Trial Balance. Money Banked. ASSETS OF THE CHURCH Asset register to keep track of the assets of the church.
REPORTS Various printouts are possible ex the system. HELP An extensive Help File is available in the system to guide you trhough the funcions of the system. No need to do courses to understand the system PAYMENT You only pay once off and no further levies or fees are applicable! telephone numbers; fax numbers; cell phone numbers and email addresses. PERSONALISED Ween you purchase the system and send us the registration form by email we personalise the system in your church name.
Marius and Dawn Roos Trust                                 IT021153/2014

The Trust has a software developing division

developing business and utility software.

Contact us with your specific software


© MDR Trust

Our latest release is the Home Utility system for

PC with Windows installed

Thi standalone system for Windows PC keeps track of a lot of activities in a typical household. It will run on any version of Windows on a PC. Below are the menu items for this system. Below you may click on the button to view the functions of this system. Down load a demo, valid for 30 days, and test it for yourself. After 30 days you can buy the system if you wish to.
GROCER Tag all the items you need to buy the next shopping day and print out your shopping list.
Keep track of your appointments in a simple but effective system. Never forget a booking again BUDGET You should not be without a monthly budget. This is a nifty function to keep track of your monthly income and expenses. DOCUMENTS A function where you keep track of documents and can even scan documents in to Pdf format and view them whenever you need them. No more hard copies to worry about and take up space! IMAGES Keep track of your photos and images. A main cateory like “Our 2023 Holiday” and then sub categories containing all the images related to this event. You can also print out images if you wish to. TELEPHONE/FAX/EMAIL Good to keep track of telephone numbers/fax numbers and email addresses. Enter all the detail of contacts for the entire family and have it handy at any time. You can also copy an email address to the clipboard to used in your email program. RECIPES A facility to keep track of recipes and even their images. Capture your recipes in this system and when you need to cook/bake something print it out and take to the kitchen. This is really a very handy facility! INVENTORY If your house burn down do you know what was inside to claim from the insurers? This facility allows you to keep track of all your possessions and even attach an image to expensive items. IMPORTANT DAYS TO REMEMBER Capture all birthdays/anniversaries or whatever to be reminded of in this side of the system. Very handy facility! Our files are virus free and you may ignore known virus messages during installation/download
Click to download a Pdf with all functions Click to download a Pdf with all functions